So sorry you are going through this pain and hurt right now thinksweet, but I am also bearing this partner and I split only yesterday, we did have our disagreements but he has a different view of things and would not listen to me, not even prepared to talk it over, we think we mean so much to them but in the end...what can we do ? I do feel for you, I truly do, it is the worst feeling ever, I cant eat, sleep, cant even bear being in the house, cant settle, yes I cried so much I gave myself a banging headache, men are strange, but alas once they make their minds up there is little we can do to change them...stick with it, carry on as normal if you can, and look after yourself, I think my ex will move on quicker than me somehow...the trick is to keep busy, but how when you feel so ill ?? Here if you need a are in a very fragile state right now, it is very similar to grieving so please dont be hard on yourself. Cry if you need to.