Please believe me when i say i ask this i am not looking for unnecessary smut, i just really need to know. Is it a turn on for men or not, I love to do it,but with my new man i darent,for fear of scaring him off. Help please x
As Mrs Chappie says, ask him....communication is key in healthy relationships...if you cant talk to him about sex...well ...there is not much chance of you both delevoping this relationship.
depends on the man - the answer will frequently be Yes, but not always. You can ask; or you can just try it out (not too extreme, at least at first) and see how he responds.
It is a good thing we AREN'T all the would make for even less excitement in this life. Different things work for diferent people....and couples
I agree pasta, and if someone spoke like that all the time with me, I'd be as bored as hell.
I'm not saying it's wrong, but it's like the "taboo naughty words" being the main turn on - when it shoud be what you're doing that gets the desired effect!