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Ban Porn Sites

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Lynsy1 | 10:49 Thu 30th Jul 2009 | Relationships & Dating
194 Answers
Yesterday i caught my friend sitting naked at the computer watching porn, the site was called

It wasnt normal porn! It was forced porn, like rape really, i didnt understand how on earth she could watch a woman being raped....??

Does anyone else think porn sites should be banned??

Plz answer xx


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I'm guessing Gromit does use them where needed. I'm also guessing he does not use them if they are not needed as well.
pmsl ere!!

I've just looked at that website (

It's hilarious.

There's a still from a video of a woman "tied" to a chair ...

... ie. she has one piece of rope wrapped loosely round her and the chair.

I mean ... come on guys ... it's really tame.

If this "pretend abuse" shocks you ...

... then you must live in a very sheltered environment.

I can almost imagine the young lady doing a Penelope Pitstop voice, shouting ...

"Oh, heyeeelp, heyeeeelp!"

Bwaaaaah Haaaaah Haaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaa !!!

I'm still laughing from that dopey website.

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Well i'm sure i'm not the only person who has made a mistake in spelling before.
Lynsy, you put an unnecessary apostrophe in "friends".

that's a bit time consuming.
AAll ofmyour story the crap about the sun.

Its all totally fabricated.

Darling if you want noticed then just hang out the office windpow and flash your knorks to some passing guy.

Thta should do the trick eh ?
I don't know of any wife of a police officer who would refer to him as a police man...and I have been friends with a few officer's wives over the years.In fact very few adults I know ever use the term either.
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Well it was not the same video i saw! According to Curtis (my husband who's a police offlicer) the website owners are being interviewed by the police.

My spelling, grammar and typing are appalling

- but I do not claim to be a journalist.

...on msn to my friends
lol this is better than the sexxy russian

Ok enough enough ENOUGH of people taking the f*ucking p*ss of the ones that do not spell correctly or their grammar isnt perfect.

I have dyslexia but it hasent stopped from having a decent job where it requires me to do alot of reading and writting. Also just because some cannot spell correctly does not give ANYONE the wright to treat them like they are thick or stupid.

Very sad indeed :(
Oh i'm so glad i've come back to this site! Loving this........;-)
Sorry SuDFB, you're right. ;-(
SuDFB, this isn't about spelling and grammar. it's about poking fun at someone who makes far fetched statements.
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Well i for one do. They used the term Police Man a long time ago, they changed it because it was considered sexist. Tbh i don't agree! I still use Police MAN! Is it any problem for you to be concerned about?
Sud whats sadeer are the users who come here spell abysmally then say they are dyslexic

only a few days later they spell perfectly until its pointed out to them

if soemone is genuinely dyslexic then thats fair enough

but the jokers on here pretending are the ones really taking the p1ss out of them not anyone else
lol even when you are trying to type your phrases properly you still struggle.
Lynsy are you aware that Rebekah Brooks is an AB'er?

We are not having a go because she cannot spell we are having a go because she claims to be a journalist and cannot write. We think she may possibly be a fantasist.
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SuDFB you are totally right.

If you have nothing better to do than gawp at my grammar than well ......... f*ck you.

And my spelling is usually perfect but everybody makes mistakes once in a while :)

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