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this might sound shocking coming from me but......

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suzie1 | 20:42 Sat 08th May 2010 | Relationships & Dating
166 Answers
Do people actually have anal sex and what is it like? also do chinese christian people do that in order to preserve their virginity before marriage?


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Why do you need to know..........?
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chuck, that made me laugh so loud, think kids are up
giving or receiving, bob?

Well there had to be one! funniest thread of the day (anything to with poo sets me off)
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colleagues were talking at work, and mentioned it and how disgusting it is and how you can catch things, and how a chinese christian girl was 38 and virgin about to be married next month and she does it to keep her virginity
There goes my joke, cheers sara ;-)

I actually have done it though. I enjoyed it, she didn't
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i suppose you would have to change the bedding after
Is her mouth not big enough then Suzie? lol
Sorry i missed something on there. It should have said
....I enjoyed it. She didn't. I didn't care because I enjoyed it.
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bob, as you have done it what does it feel like on a mans point of view and does it mean you are secretly gay?im not saying you are
Suzie - where is this thread going? You're saying what some of us are probably thinking, but I could do without thinking it......
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katie price has a big mouth
Isn't it still theoretically illegal? Messing up the sheets I mean
It makes you as gay as you would be if you enjoyed hand or blow jobs
It also feels kinky and dirty, quite good fun
What I do know is when you sort of look ... you think to yourself ..
Noooo way is that sausage gonna fit in that starfish.
There must be better places to find this information.
...and i certainly don't believe that guys have to be gay only to do it. And apparently gays don't spend their time doing that, they do other things too.
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just fancy trying something different thats all ;-))))) but want to know more about it before i pounce

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this might sound shocking coming from me but......

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