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Fao Bobjugs and Sqad

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rowanwitch | 06:01 Tue 03rd Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
Just found Redmans Aching loins thread....your responses absolutely cracked me up... While Sqad's response is most appealling and likely to be successful I have to vote for Bob's on grounds of sheer bl**dy daftness.....

Sqad I do so hope I have that effect on you too...XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX


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rowan...too bloody right you do......experienced, intelligent, upmarket and with me choosing your lingerie, we would be winners.........LOL
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It would be fun but don't tell the golden girls or I will have a nasty accident one day I like the description, but you forgot imaginative.... thats the killer blow...
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You are a sweetie...such a shame we live so far apart I'd gladly spare you an afternoon anytime... for you I have satin the colour of the night sky .But don't tell Redman....
Morning both (and bobjugs) - sorry to butt in, but I've just found that thread (I went to bed early last night) - best stuff I've read for ages, ROFL - literature of the highest degree!
Have you got a link? I missed that one :-)
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don't know how to do the links but it is a couple down on relationships and dating.... really clever...
I managed to find it, Redman. I've been laughing my socks off.
DAFTNESS, how bloody dare you :D
I'll be keeping an eye on this thread just incase Squad runs off with my beloved !
'Satin the colour of the night sky' You Flirt !! he he
Squad you Rake ! lol
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Satin the colour of the night sky but the stars in my eyes are for you darling
Redman, I think you should challenge Sqad to a duel!
I am flattered dearest one ! But I will still be keeping an eye out for that Squad just incase he makes a back door entry !!! :-))))
OMFG What has happened to this site? All these love in's and tips on massage etc. I should avert mine eyes from the den of eniquity this site is becoming. I'm a shy young thing you know.
Hi bobjugs, I think I will need some more Counselling !! :-))
Morning NoM, did you get my email baby? xxx
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Back door entry....its locked....
bobjugs/redman....count me out re. duel........I am a coward.

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