I met up with a guy less tan 2 weeks ago i sed to know and we met up 3 times during the weekend. We got on really well and after sleeping with him, the next morning we were talking and he asked me would i be his girlfriend.
i said id like to be his girlfriend and after this he walkd me back home. But the following weekend i cudnt see him because he was working. I spoke to him over the fon and he sed he would see me this weekend coming but tonight when spoke to him on facebook he said hes staying in friday ashes working saturday and sunday. I asked him if maybe i cud come over to see him instead of goin out but he neva replied. I just feel like now im getting mixed messaged and i know some guys havebusy work scheduls but i feel like i dont know how to get around this. what would u do?? any advice guys?? x
Ok sorry, can you just explain the first line to me 'I met up with a guy less tan 2 weeks ago i sed to know and we met up 3 times ' and I'll try read the rest again
took me ages to work out what ashes working was too, but got that one now. Blokes dont like clingy or needy girlfriends, if you really want this to work play hard to get, if after that he doesnt contact you then you just wernt meant to be, move on.
hmmm yeah true, i havnt rung him or texd him since we last went out. but its the work thing that bring me. its the 2nd weekend hes been working but he ssaid hes works weekend wen he can for extra money.