Hey climber,
I am 23, my OH is 40 and has 2 children of 14 and 10.
posted a while ago regarding discipline/relationship with his kids and had some fantastic advise from ABers.
My OH wants me to be seen as being as much in charge and respected by his kids as he is when they are with us and says that when they are in our home, I am to tell them what to do if needed because I am their 'mother figure'.
We also plan to have children of our own at some point down the line, and get married.
You say you have an issue with his daughter and accepting the fact he already has a child, but being older I guess I would think that is expected in away.
I have a weird think of disliking the fact that my ex was with his kids mum for 15 years, but then I think of him not being with anyone and I would hate it, cant stand the thought of him not being happy! I also look at him with hiskids and see how happy he is when we have them, and for me that makes everything worthwhile.