I keep goin for a similar type of girl and it hasnt been working, as I am now single, I am re-assessing what to look for in a partner. (Up to now, I have gone for girls who are attractive, brunette, independant, free spirited, enjoys variety in life, enjoys travel and not too self-absorbed). For one reason or another, perhaps it is me, we grow apart after several months.
My options, as I see them are:
1. Admit that there is no such thing as a "Type" and try somebody totally different and it may end up being a great decsion
2. Stick to what I am use to and hope that I find somebody who fits "my type"
3. Enjoy being single and try as many different types as I can :)
I used to go for blondes, needless to say my girlfriend is a brunette.
The one thing I insist upon is they're themselves, not trying too hard to be anyone else or following suit.
3 is the magic number! As Hansen would say 'percentages'!
Physically I like long dark hair, slim build,pale skin,large eyes but really if some wonderful woman came along who was short, fat, but killingly nice then i'd not be so blind and stupid as to rule her out because she's not my physical idea. Put it about a bit and see who you come across that floats your boat, anyone
can be THE one;-)
society - "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" I guess.
I dated a girl who was great fun, we got on really well. But my mates were being typical lads and said "She's a moose, you can do better!!" etc etc... But I didnt see it, just saw a great girl who totally got who I was.
I admit I have become a bit shallow of late and if honest, havent had the same enjoyment out of the relationship no matter how nice they look on your arm.
A lot of research says that we go for types who are similar to ourselves in build, colouring and features. Actually, this is quite serious research and I do believe it to be true in very many cases.
funny when blokes are young they only date who their mates or nuts magazine approve of, you will only enjoy a good relationship once you all grow up a bit and date someone who does it for you
My OH came to a family funeral with me. My cousins,, who he'd never met thought he was a relative because he looked like them. I hadn't noticed before but spookily so...
My grandmother used to say after a couple have been living together for a while they begin to resemble each other. I noticed this to be true, well that's what my eyes see. lol
I think a certain type appeals to you. I always liked fair skinned men with blonde hair, preferably thin and taller than me - which was easy because I am only 5ft 2 in.