Most of us in the UK now use the internet every day. Whether it is at home in the evening, at work during our lunch break or at the weekend we are surfing the web more and more. There are many reasons to use the internet and two of the biggest are online banking and social networking.
Apparently using the internet to ...
15:36 Mon 24th May 2010Lots of people find their way to this site to ask a question about 'infintigo'. If you Google the term, this is one of the first sites you'll be directed to. (If you're reading this, that may well
00:00 Mon 15th Dec 2003 Wee Kaz posted a concerned question recently: "I've just heard on the radio that doctors have suggested that in order to get rid of breast and ovarian cancer us woman should consider having them
00:00 Wed 02nd Oct 2002Answerbank reader saturnspeak asks: 'Does anybody know a cure that actually works for the skin condition vitiligo ' We review the disorder - but we haven't been able to uncover a cure. Vitiligo
00:00 Tue 21st May 2002asks msminor:A. It's true. Specially bred and sterile maggots are being used increasingly to clean wounds that don't heal because the patient - or the bacteria - has become resistant to antibiotics.
00:00 Mon 22nd Apr 2002asks Ursula:A. It could be. Very recently it has emerged that the colouring used on certain hair dyes may cause cancer. Q. Which dyes A. The dyes that have scientists particularly worried are
00:00 Mon 22nd Apr 2002asks PHD: A. A stye (also called a hordeolum) is a small abscess. It usually forms in a single sebaceous gland draining into an eyelash follicle. Q. What causes it A. It is caused by bacterial
00:00 Mon 22nd Apr 2002asks Allan:A. Yes, it is. Especially if you live in the south of the country. Your personal hay fever season is dictated by the types of pollen that set off your symptoms. Q. What are they A. From
00:00 Mon 15th Apr 2002asks msminor:A. The average person in Britain produces around 250g of faeces a day, although that can vary greatly from individual to individual. Q. How does that compare to the rest of the world A.
00:00 Mon 15th Apr 2002asks cleare17:A. Grey hair is what happens when the colour pigment cells, found at the base of the hair follicle, stop forming due to changes in the melanin production. No-one knows exactly why this
00:00 Mon 15th Apr 2002asks mjleex: A. Your thyroid gland is found at the lower front of your neck and helps to regulate the body's energy levels. Common thyroid problems are over- or under-production of hormones
00:00 Mon 08th Apr 2002asks jayne b-t:A. Cycling is a great way to keep fit, and it's a pity that most of the cycles in this country aren't used very much. There's an estimated 27 million bikes in sheds across the UK - but
00:00 Mon 08th Apr 2002asks sporty:A. Some areas of the body can be prone to rough, dry and pimply skin and these areas need some extra attention. You will need to exfoliate your shoulders every day. Use a muslin cloth
00:00 Mon 08th Apr 2002asks rtell:A. There's no guarantee that it can stop them, but new research shows that eating organic food can reduce your risk of heart attacks, strokes and cancer. I thought it wasn't supposed to
00:00 Mon 01st Apr 2002asks modge:A. The reason for your weight changes is water. There is an amount of water in your system and it fluctuates over a 24-hour period. Q. It can't weigh that much surely A. You'd be
00:00 Mon 01st Apr 2002asks Sporty:A. Yes, they do. In fact, official figures show that thousands of children are taken to hospital each year after cycle accidents on the roads, often with head injuries, and safety
00:00 Mon 25th Mar 2002asks ursula: A. Lots. To begin with, we spend between 80% and 90% of our time indoors, on average, and that alone can encourage ill health. A study by Harvard University found that people who worked
00:00 Mon 25th Mar 2002asks artisan:A. Someone who suffers from manic depression, or bipolar affective disorder. He or she will have extreme mood swings, but how long they last varies on the individual. In the depressive
00:00 Mon 25th Mar 2002asks Mayastar:A. You're talking about a recent report from Sweden where two women who were on the Pill became pregnant after taking St John's Wort for mild depression. There have been similar reports
00:00 Wed 28th Aug 2002asks angiecashen:A. First, do you know what is causing your headaches For example, they might be related to an allergy. If you have other allergies, such as hay fever, this is quite possible. Then it
00:00 Mon 18th Mar 2002