News3 mins ago
Raspberry Ketone
5 Answers
Just out of interest, has anyone tried this product?
I would avoid it like the plaque, read this http://www.w ordsonwellne 2012/06/13/W ith-All-Due- Respect-to-D r-Oz-Raspber ry-Ketone-is -not-a-Fat-B urning-Mirac le.aspx The most widely known ketone is better known as Nail polish remover 'Acetone' or Di-Methyl Ketone. Acetone and Caustic Soda are the two chemicals from which...
17:34 Tue 19th Nov 2013
I would avoid it like the plaque, read this
http:// www.wor dsonwel lness.c om/post /2012/0 6/13/Wi th-All- Due-Res pect-to -Dr-Oz- Raspber ry-Keto ne-is-n ot-a-Fa t-Burni ng-Mira cle.asp x
The most widely known ketone is better known as Nail polish remover 'Acetone' or Di-Methyl Ketone. Acetone and Caustic Soda are the two chemicals from which 'Raspberry Ketone' is synthesised.
The most widely known ketone is better known as Nail polish remover 'Acetone' or Di-Methyl Ketone. Acetone and Caustic Soda are the two chemicals from which 'Raspberry Ketone' is synthesised.