I love bread, the more the better.
My favourite is French baguette, closely followed by soda bread, then any you have to carve a lump off. I do like cranberry and walnut bread, not so keen on any with cheese in or on, surprising really as I love cheese scones.
And unsliced hovis is totally delicious..if you can get it.
What’s your favourite? (prompted by mamy’s olive bread)
Do you know that for some people.... bread/wheat/gluten causes deep depression? You can tell if you suffer from depression because of it by leaving all that off and you if you feel better you may have found the cause. I lurve bread but can't have it not cos of depression but I have coeliac disease boo hoo!! Sob me wants bread ...sigh
Oh no dunnitall, that’s almost tragic! I have crohns so my diet is a bit limited, but to have to go without bread, I sob with you and on behalf of you :(
Ethan...it IS tragic when on loves bread and pastry...it's not fair...cry! I loved baking, even bread products but now I'm bereft cos I can't eat it...and I can't even eat non gluten or wheat products cos that upsets my gut as well.... Cry with me...sob..sob. Xx