Jokes2 mins ago
How can I get rid of cellulite
asks ginapons:
A. Cellulite is the name given to lumpy, dimpled, 'orange peel' skin, most usually found on women's hips, thighs, buttocks and upper arms. However, some experts doubt whether there's such a thing as cellulite.
Q. Why They wouldn't doubt it if they had some!
A. No doubt. Some believe it's just ordinary fat, and many believe that it's caused by increased levels of the female hormone oestrogen, which causes fluid retention between the cells. Whatever the cause, it hard to shift once you've got it.
Q. What about all those gorgeous creams
A. Well, none have been clinically proven to work. Watchdog Healthcheck carried out consumer tests on seven of the most popular brands (Dior, Clarins, Lanc�me, Revlon, Foremost, Boots, and Body Shop). A total of 35 women used the creams, but none felt that there had been any change to their thighs. Generally, they smell nice and make you feel better, and massaging something nice into your thighs certainly won't do them any harm.
Q. What about those 'wonder patches'
A. These transparent little patches are worn continuously on your wobbliest areas where they release concentrated extracts of seaweed and algae, among other things. They appear to improve skin texture, but the jury's still out on whether they can get rid of cellulite. And they're very expensive.
Q. Would exercise work
A. Yes, it can really help to stimulate a sluggish circulation. Try something aerobic, such as swimming, cycling or running.
Q. What about diet changes
A. Simple things, such as drinking two litres of water a day, eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, and cutting out sweets, coffee and junk food, will certainly help to improve the tone of your skin. Try to avoid 'toxins', such as caffeine, sugar and alcohol. To encourage your body to get rid of toxins effectively, try massage or dry skin brushing.
Q. How do I do that, then
A. The dry skin brushing Use a natural bristle brush before you go into the shower. Use long sweeping movements and brush your whole body from your toes and fingers towards your heart.
As for the massage, it might be easier if you could get someone else to do that for you...
Q. What if nothing works
A. Well, if money's no object, there are a few specialist treatments (available from London clinics), such as Endermologie, which uses metal rollers, and Cellulopylosis, which uses needles. Although they don't get rid of cellulite, they can have a dramatic effect. Or you could try something more drastic: colonic irrigation and lyposuction are said to show considerable improvements. It depends how brave and desperate you're feeling!
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By Sheena Miller