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asks johnjo:
A. There are few things more miserable than hay fever (seasonal allergic rhinitis), which affects around 10% of people in the UK. It's the result of your immune system overreacting to pollen, releasing histamines, which inflame mucous membranes, causing the familiar itchy nose, palate, eyes and throat, sneezing, runny nose and watery eyes.
Q. What time of year do you get it
A. It depends which pollen is affecting you. From April to June, it's tree pollens; May to August it's grass pollens; June to September it's weed pollens and mould spores. Grass pollens affect 90% of sufferers, and birch pollens 25%.
Q. Is it preventable
A. You can lessen the effects by:
�� �taking antihistamines before the hay fever season starts
�� getting your body into a 'non-flammatory' state by eating more oily fish or taking an Omega 3 supplement; taking vitamin C and antioxidant supplements; eating lots of bioflavinoid-rich fruit (citrus fruit, cherries, melons and grapes)
�� eating local honey if you only get hay fever at home, not on holiday.
Q. What are the conventional treatments
A. Antihistamines help stem runny noses and irritated eyes. Non-sedating ones are available.
Nasal sprays help blocked noses and are best taken before the hay fever season starts. (Avoid prolonged use as they can damage the mucous membranes)
Eye drops help itchy eyes (not for children)
Your GP may prescribe steroids for a short time - for a special event, perhaps.
NB Always discuss what to use with your GP or a pharmacist first: some remedies may be dangerous if taken with other drugs, and many are not suitable for children or pregnant or breast-feeding women.
Q. What are the alternative treatments
A. Sniff a few drops of lavender or eucalyptus essential oil from a tissue.
Bathe your face in cold water.
The most common homeopathic remedy for hay fever is Allium 6c. Or you can try a homeopathic mixture of grass pollens - ask as a health food shop.
Acupuncture can be effective.
Herbal tinctures and teas which can help include eyebright (soothes itchy eyes), nettle (helps with over-reaction to allergens) and plantain (helps protect mucous membranes).
NB Consult your GP/practitioner if you are pregnant or breast-feeding.
Q. What can I do when I get it
A. Stay indoors when the pollen count is high (it's worse on hot, dry, windy days), keep car windows closed, and wear sunglasses. Holiday on the coast. Avoid dairy products, which are mucus forming. Smear Vaseline inside your nostrils to form a barrier.
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By Sheena Miller