Crosswords1 min ago
Is there a natural way of preventing and helping asthma
asks kjring:
A. Asthma is a condition which affects the bronchial tubes leading to the lungs. Symptoms include coughing, wheezing and being short of breath. It is often triggered by infections, such as colds or the flu, a sensitivity to cigarette smoke or traffic fumes, or from over-exercising. It can also result from an allergy to birds or furry animals, or even house dust mites.
Q. So what can I do to help this condition
A. Some experts believe that increasing your intake of foods which have an anti-inflammatory effect will make a difference. These include oily fish - such as herring, mackerel, salmon and sardines, as well as pumpkin, sunflower and sesame seeds. You should also eat more green leafy vegetables, garlic, onions, beans and lentils.
You could also try cutting right back on dairy products (which are mucous forming), meat, eggs, salty foods, and junk food.
Q. Are aromatherapy oils any use
A. Put a few drops of lavender, bergamot or camomile pure essential oils on a tissue to sniff during an attack. Between attacks, mix a few drops of any of these into a carrier oil, such as sweet almond, and massage into your chest - this will help to break up mucus.
Q. Are there are herbal remedies I can try
A. Camomile tea helps to relax your airways and can help reduce inflammation. Ginko biloba supplements boost circulation and can help with symptoms.
Q. What about homeopathy
A. It's always best to see a qualified homeopath who will treat your individual symptoms. Contact the British Homeopathic Association to find a practitioner in your area.
Q. Is any kind of exercise useful
A. Yes, gentle, stress-relieving exercises, such as yoga, swimming or Ta'i Chi can help.
Relaxation and breathing exercises work, too. See if there are any classes in your area.
You might want to find out more about Professor Buteyko's system of asthma management. This is a form of breathing exercise which works on the principle that asthmatics overbreathe, and that this can be corrected. There has been some research into this. To find out more, click here
NB Asthma attacks should always be taken very seriously and need immediate medical attention. Never stop taking any medication without�your doctor's advice.
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By Sheena Miller