Quizzes & Puzzles2 mins ago
Is there such a thing as the male menopause
asks johnjo:
A. The jury's still out on that one. Why Do you think you may be going through one
Well, you know... A touch of the old mid-life crisis...
That's what they used to call the assortment of symptoms which hits you around to 40-45 year mark. They include general aches and pains, tiredness and lethargy, irritability and grumpiness, together with changing body shape, sweating and flushing, and feeling of dissatisfaction.
Q. So it's not just me, then
A. No, you're one of a very large crowd. Experts now think that the so-called 'mid-life crisis' actually has more in common with the female menopause. However, the word 'menopause' actually means the time when periods stop, which doesn't apply to men, so it's been called the 'andropause' instead.
Q. Do hormones cause the andropause, too
A. Some experts believe so. However the levels of testosterone fall very very slowly over a long period of time, so it can't be put down to a sudden drop in testosterone.
Q. What else could it be
A. Some of the theories that have been put forward include depression, anaemia, awareness of ageing process, drinking too much, disappointment at how life's turned out (e.g. not enjoying job, marriage not too happy, money problems).
Q. So the problem could be more of a psychological rather than a hormonal one
A. Yes. It tends to come along at the time men are starting to reassess their lives and see where they're at. It may come as something of a disappointment to realise that you're not the 'young gun' any more; you're getting fatter and less muscular, you're losing your hair...
OK, OK, I get the picture!
But it doesn't have to be a bad thing.
Q. Doesn't it
A. No. The secret of dealing with the andropause is not to fight it the ageing process. (Once�you've seen your GP, of course, just to make sure there isn't an underlying cause for your symptoms.)
Q. Growing old gracefully, you mean
A. Exactly. If you accept it as a normal process and learn to realise that you unlikely be cutting a rug on the dance floor these days, you can prepare yourself emotionally.
Q. Is there any HRT for men
A. There has been some discussion about giving men testosterone to boost their levels. Men who have already been treated with testosterone - as tablets, patches or injections - have claimed to see a change for the better in their symptoms. However, this could all be put down to the placebo effect...
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By Sheena Miller