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asks Atina Ellis:
A. Glue ear is something children get after they've had a few middle ear infections (otitis media). It's when sticky fluid builds up behind the eardrum (otitis media with effusion).
Q. What causes it
A. The middle ear needs to be full of air if you are to hear properly. The Eustachian tubes connect each ear with the back of the throat and they open to allow air to move into the middle ear. Colds and ear infections can cause the Eustachian tubes to become infected, and the sides can stick together, preventing air getting to the middle ear. Mucus can then fill up the middle ear.
Q. Sounds yucky. What does it do
A. It can affect hearing, usually temporarily.
Q. What are the symptoms
A. Hearing loss is the most common problem. Usually it's mild, lasts only a few weeks and gets better by itself, but it may go on for months.
Q. Who's at risk
A. Children under the age of seven, but mostly under two years. Children whose parents smoke. Children who have been bottle-fed. Children who get lots of coughs and colds. Boys.
Q. What's the treatment
A. Most cases of glue ear get better within three months without treatment, so doctors usually wait this long before doing anything about it. Antibiotics can help in the short-term, but don't prevent glue ear recurring, so they're not a permanent solution. Children with chronic glue ear may be given grommets.
Q. What are they
A. Tiny tubes which are placed in the eardrums to stop the glue building up again. Sometimes the adenoids - glands at the back of the nose - are removed at the same time. Grommets are only a temporary solution - they need to be replaced within five years.
Q. How can I prevent my baby getting glue ear
A. If your baby is prone to ear infections, never bottle feed him (or let your child drink milk) if he is lying down: this can cause the milk to go into the Eustachian tube and irritate it. Dairy products produce mucus, so cut down on them, too. Vitamin C supplements (suitable for the age of the child) can help boost the immune system.
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By Sheena Miller