Quizzes & Puzzles1 min ago
Why are some types of TB infectious and others not
asks Will Smith:
A. It depends on the age of the person with TB. In adults, it's usually the lungs which are infected, and that makes it contagious. Children, on the other hand, tend to get infected in the lymph glands and this is rarely infectious.
Q. How do you catch TB
A. TB is caused by a bacterium which is spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes - in the same way as a cold. It not very easy to catch: you have to be in close contact with someone who has it, such as the family home or a classroom. After the TB bacterium is inhaled, it reaches the lungs. It takes about six weeks for a small primary infection to appear, although there may be no symptoms. If you are generally healthy and robust, the infection will remain dormant and do no obvious harm. However it can recur years later.
Q. How do you know if it will recur
A. You don't, so you have to be on the look-out for the symptoms.
Q. What are the symptoms
A. Loss of weight, extreme tiredness, fever and a persistent cough. Pulmonary (lung) TB is the most common type, and in the early stages the symptoms are the same as any other respiratory infection - coughing and feeling short of breath. Usually this primary infection will heal up, leaving a tiny scar on the lung. Otherwise the cough will persist - and sometimes blood can be coughed up.
Q. How is it diagnosed
A. By a combination of chest x-rays, blood tests, skin tests and examination of the sputum. It take weeks to confirm an infection.
Q. What's the treatment
A. It usually needs a blend of drugs which have to be taken for up to nine months. The drugs prescribed most frequently are rifampicin, isoniazid, ethambutol and pyrazinamide. All have side-effects and are given in combination so that smaller doses may be used. Lots of rest, fresh air, uncrowded living conditions and a healthy diet all help with recovery.
Q. Who is most likely to catch TB
A. Those who have not been inoculated (although inoculated people can sometimes catch it), those with lowered immune systems, those who already have a lung disease, alcoholics, drug addicts and anyone living in crowded conditions or deprived areas.
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By Sheena Miller