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NHS Prescriptions

Results ★

Products available in shops shouldn't ever be available on the nhs
Cheap products available in shops (such as sunscreen and paracetomol) shouldn't be available on the nhs but expensive ones should
Any health products (including items such as gluten-free foods) should be available on the nhs

What Should The NHS Be Able to Prescribe? (poll following on from this question)

Total: 136
A.Products available in shops shouldn't ever be available on the nhs56.62 %77
B.Cheap products available in shops (such as sunscreen and paracetomol) shouldn't be available on the nhs but expensive ones should36.03 %49
C.Any health products (including items such as gluten-free foods) should be available on the nhs7.35 %10
Stats until: 01:25 Sun 22nd Dec 2024 (Refreshed every 5 minutes)