>>>What on earth is a preferential debt? does it apply to me?
'Preferential debts' are debts which, by law, must be paid out first before any other debts can be considered. They are basically payments to employees (not to freelance contractors) and pension schemes, so they don't apply to you.
This Word document might help:
For further information you can contact the Insolvency Enquiry Line on 0845 602 9848, between 8.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday, or email
[email protected]
However don't hold out too much hope of payment. Creditors often only receive a tiny percentage of what they're owed (or nothing at all) from the liquidation of a company. If they held major assets (such as owning the building they occupied) there might be plenty of money to go round but if, as with most companies, everything was rented or leased, there will be hardly any assets to distribute to creditors.