American Sweets in The AnswerBank: Food & Drink
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American Sweets

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Rod Serling | 17:39 Sat 30th Nov 2024 | Food & Drink
5 Answers

Every shop you go in now seems to have a  large selection of USA sourced sweets (candy), many famous and iconic names.

I don't mind that, as such, but none of these items are at UK friendly prices. It's as if they've been imported, at cost, and sold onto us at a mark-up or price commensurate with import duty.

Thus making them a very expensive pleasure!

Someone once said they are a money laundering exercise, because I can't think they sell too many, other than to ex-pat Yanks!

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Exactly the same at the other side...British confectionery is available at much higher prices than here...but wouldn't you expect that?

What sweets are you referring to? I haven't noticed a proliferation of American candy in our local shops.

Then why bother with them ?

Plenty of alternative.

I bobbed in to Asda yesterday (I rarely get the chance) and did notice a huge display of Hershey's and another of Reese's at the entrance.

Anything to do with Thanksgiving or do they sell it all year round?

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