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whiskeysheri | 13:49 Thu 06th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
Hi, guys!

I have a special friend who is going through a really, really bad time at the moment and I wanted to send her something to let her know that I'm always thinking of her. She's a good few hours from me, so I can't just pop 'round there.

Any ideas as to what I could send her would be appreciated. Flowers just aren't original/special enough for this.

Thanks all, in advance. :)


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If in doubt send chocolates.
How about a nice card with some heartfelt words and a nice photo of the two of you in happy times.. to show that things aren't always bad and will get better again!

How about a lovely big fluffy teddy bear,some chocolates and a well chosen card?
hi whiskeysheri,

I recently sent a chocolate scented teddy to a friend. dy_Bears.html

What a lovely friend you are to do that.

when i was a bit down once my mate sent me a 'care package' which really cheered my up, it was a basket filled with silly little things but really made me smile. it had if i remember rightly

a photo frame which a piccy of the two of us
sweets - lots of
bubble bath and other body and hair care stuff
miniture voddy and redbull

just stuff like that really

hope your friend will be ok x

I know you you said not fllowers but I used this site to send my sister some flowers a couple of months ago. The flowers were absolutely gorgeous and lasted about 3 weeks, they also put in free chocolates. Very reasonable price wise too. I would recommend them to anyone.
Just a Special Friend card with a lovely note from you and perhaps a CD of music you know she will appreciate.
-- answer removed --
some sweets from

some cool gadget from

can none of you people think for yourself. so sad you have to reply on stupid ideas from stupid people. sad
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LOL, vibrasphere! It's an idea, I admit, although not very appropriate. Thanks, though. :)

Thank you all for your ideas, I really love them all.

daffy, thanks, hun. I think I'm going to go for the bear with chocolates and a card, seeing as I can't give her a big hug in person.

luxury, do they do vodka scented bears? ;) Thanks for that link.

Thanks again to all of you for going to the trouble of thinking of all those for me. :) x

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Sod off, dizzeerascal. I can't see where you've suggested anything better. :oP
why would i care about your stupid friend!!!!!!!
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Where did I, or anyone else, suggest that you did or should?! Moron.
send some tickets for a show so she can go out and enjoy herself and know that youve cheered her up.
or even just for the cinema.
you can buy in wh smiths i think .

dth ?
Try the supermarket delivery sites......full range of goodies available.

Asda/Waitrose/Sainsbury/Tesco/Co-op all do deliveries.
hey hun, you saw what ray sent me for my birthday. How about that. It was amazing. :-) Send a lovely message with it like i had. That would cheer anyone up.
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Jules, why did I not think of that?! That would have been perfect. Damn. I've sent her a really lovely, dark brown teddy with some chocolates and a card, though, so I hope they're as nice. :)
She'll love it hun cause its been sent with love, thats the main thing, just to know that someone special is thinking about you. xxxx

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