Need help. Been told I can't have a mortgage as I've no credit history. Never had credit card only debit and no loans.
So I'm thinking of getting a credit card but what will be the quickest way to gather credit quickly so I can produce a credit history so I still have a chance of getting my house.
It's not about just having a credit card, rooster - you'd need to have it for a while, and demonstrate that you never default with payments, and manage your debt responsibly. Having a credit card and not using it can in fact make you a worse risk, as the lender has no way of knowing that you're not going to rush out and commit up to your credit limit tomorrow. IMO - you can't do it quickly.
Have you seen a mortgage broker......In a similar position, coming back after eight years overseas, I found Lloyds most accommodating - and they got my business back then for a "medium" sized mortgage at 2x salary.
The other thing is U see im after a house through inreach . Which is affordable housing for those on low wages . So for the last six yrs I've been paying £600 a month rent . The mortgagee would be far less as I only need to be able to mortgagee half the house and cheap rent on the rest. The stumbling block is the scheme only uses one lender and they have no flexibility. Me not having credit history.
I wouldn't have thought having no credit card/loan history would be a major factor. The decision probably also takes into accout your wage (which you say is low), how long you've been in the job and how secure the job is perceived to be.
I don't agree that the system rewards the reckless. If you have a credit card and use it reponsibly it will help your credit record, but that isn't being reckless. Being reckless is living beyond your means and defaulting on payments- and that would adversely affect your credit record.
Do you have a bank account? As others have said you could ask yur current bank about a mortgage , or you could see a broker
1. Register on the voters roll
2. Get a credit card and use it, pay it straight off and shred it
3. make sure you have a full address history for 3 years
4. have a decent deposit of ideally 15-20% or more.