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An account for my son

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Toothfairy | 19:48 Mon 19th Dec 2011 | Personal Finance
1 Answers
My son is almost a year of age and at birth we were given money for him. Now it's Xmas and his birthday next month, again people are sending him money. He didn't qualify for a Child Trust Fund (by 2 days) so a new account would be needed.
I like the idea of an account that can not be touched by my partner or I, be it for 7 years, 16 or 18. I've done a little research in to the Junior ISA and see that it's not actually favoured too well so what are my options?

Thank you all in advance as I am clueless in this area.


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The Junior ISA sounds like the most suitable option I'm afraid.
I would perhaps visit as they offer a few alternative savings plans for children.

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An account for my son

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