You seem to want everything and need to rationlise the property situation. Get rid of all extra properties as quick as possible than wait till you have to do in a panic. If you concentrate on your main home you must take it's maintenance into account as well as essential out goings. Form joint account, to pay for services (elec,water, gas etc) approx £2000 per year(give yourselves £1000 start then pay £200 permonth). Consider how much you really are receiving of rental properties e.g insurance on these, cost of management company if use, community charges. If concentrating on own home should be OK with £100,000 to £200,000. Your tax-free National Pension kicks in at age 60 years, proportional to how many contributions you have paid. Eventually, if you have concentrated on one single home and then have more savings worries, could scale down to cheaper home. Don't understand why you own house in Spain - why not holiday where you wish in hotel or 2 wk rental of property? Considering your situation, you should be thankful compared with many. Sorry if huband is ill so cannot work, but he should sign-on seeking work in order to build up NH contributions. Best to have modest home and large savings rather than great home and low savings.