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Confused by lack of detail

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SIRandyraven | 16:54 Sun 24th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
41 Answers
How does the government plan to enforce the "No housing benefit for under 23's "?

Girl has baby at age of 20 and family ask her to leave home.
No housing benefit , so where will she live ?
Cardboard box under a railway bridge?

Will a law have to be passed forcing parents to house under 23's ?


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When I were a lad we had to make do with hole in ground........
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You had it good !
can't comment until detail is fleshed out, till then it's paper talk
There were 16 of us living in a shoe box on the M6 motorway, you lot don't know your born.
We had to get up half an hour before we went to bed and work a 27 hour day.
When I was little there were 11 of us living in my nan's 3 bedroomed house.
Why would you have a baby if you hadn't the means to adequately house and pay for it yourself?
maybe the method of contraception failed?
You were lucky Duncer, we had to work a 9 day week.
..................and then go on to pop out another five or six?

Not scaremongering, just thinking of a neighbour.
Abortion wouldn't.
But I had to work 27 hours days for 62 weeks a year tonyav?
Lots of young girls do Boo, it seems that for some their goal in life is to have kids and then get the tax payers to fund their lives.
what if they are against aborting a child?
Perhaps they should be more responsible?
Exactly Traci.

I'm thoroughly sick of this "oopsie, ive made a mistake, you The wage earners ) have to help me out" attitude nowadays.
Seriously B00? You'd expect someone to have an abortion is the conracetion failed?

Like I said in the other thread. I had two kids by the age of 23. Had the third at 26. We both worked but what if he'd walked out on me?
B00, kindly check your email
That''d be tough in that case Cazzz if i had my way. Can't afford to pay for your child? You don't have one then!
seriously Ummmm.

Will do jno :-)

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