After I pay mortgage off in August - will have extra money from time to time and would like to know the best place to put it.
I have current account online
and ISA online - in the ISA I lifted and put back lifted and put back but it only made £40 this year - right enough some days 0 money then £1455 - just giving you a rough idea.
I am not in favour of ISA - anybody know where maybe I could away £100 a month every now and again Thanks.
Your ISA may be an old one paying a low interest rate. After a year or two the rate drops on all ISAs and if you dont check it each year it could drop to 0.5% or less.
A Cash ISA is still the best place to put money each month. You should be able to get 2.5% or more if you shop around and open a new ISA.
You may even be able to transfer the money in from your old ISA to this new ISA (same banks allow you to transfer money into a new ISA).
Agree with VHG, an ISA is best if you are a tax payer. If you really do not want one or do not pay tax Leeds are doing a regular Saver at just over 3%. You just have to commit to paying the same amount every month.