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Car Repossession Dispute

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chevster | 09:46 Fri 17th Apr 2015 | Law
6 Answers
I had my car repossessed in December 2008 and I am in dispute with the finance company, The repossession order said that the car was taken for none payment since July 2008, which is false and I have the proof on my bank statements that payments were being made after that date. Also when I rang them they said it was because my bank had cancelled my direct debit which I have a recording of that call, as I went to the bank the day after and they printed out the status of the direct debit and it said still active and that they were waiting for them to call for the money. whilst I was disputing these facts the company sold the car at auction. I went to the CAB service back in January 2009 and the company never responded to them, also I went to the financial ombudsman service and they never responded to them either.
They sold the debt on even though I was still disputing finally as I was getting feed up I emailed the Ceo of the company, they still never answered my questions and sent me my agreement supposedly, It was not mine at all and some one else's financial details. I then went back to the ombudsman service in 2014 in which they received a response from the company and upheld in the company's favour even though they agree with my evidence, they say that dates on orders don't matter and that receiving other peoples detail wasn't of great concern.
Obviously I don't agree with this and was wondering if anyone could point me to my next step, should information on repossession orders be information of truth? is it illegal for the company to lie on them? should they of sold the car whilst still in dispute?
please bear in mind also that I never received any default notices and the first I knew was when the recovery agent turned up.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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there is no next step after the ombudsman, that is the final word i believe.
Agreed with Bedknobs, I work in a complaints role and once the Ombudsman has made a decision that is the end of it for us.
do you GF? so do i (sometimes)
It has been seven years
and it seems a bit cruel to say - and you have got nowhere....

After the ombudsman - I agree there are no further avenues to explore/go down

I think you have to give up on this one and do something else...
My one experience of "using" an ombudsman was that they don't do a lot. They correspond with you and the other party a few times. Then all goes quiet. Then they send you a letter saying as they hadn't heard any more they assume it's been settled when of course it is nothing of the sort. Amazed someone finds them some use.

Whilst hearing only one side of the story, you do seem hard done by.

I am no legal expert but this (found quickly on Google) suggests the decision has to be accepted by the consumer before it becomes final and binding. Hope you get more detailed advice/explanation soon.
I do indeed Bedknobs, it's an interesting role to say the least =)

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