When he was fit and able my Dad went to Nat West and made his Will with them. I am the sole beneficiary and have a copy of the Will. The bank have the original and keep it in their archives.
I also have Power of Attorney for Dad's financial affairs
When he dies, what do I have to do? Do the bank sort everything out?
This may seem a bit callous but, when he does die, I won't be able to think rationally and want to be prepared.
It depends who he has appointed as Executor Tilly, if it is the Bank, yes they will do everything keeping you informed along the way. If it is you, you will need to get the Will from the Bank. Depending on the size of his Estate you may need Probate. If it is small, even if the Bank is appointed I would try and get them to rescind as the Charges will not be cost effective and you will be able to get fund released on an Indemnity.
Look at this, make a copy and keep it safe until it is needed.
You as next of kin and Power of Attorney holder will have to do it all.
As I said, all the bank do is keep their copy in safe keeping in case it is needed.
Yes jno, POA dies with the donor. The Will then comes into effect and it all depends on who is appointed Executor. That is not necessarily next of kin.
Yes, IF he has appointed the bank as executors they do it, but will charge a hefty for doing it. I was assuming he has just lodged a copy of the will with the bank which is the usual thing to do. You need to find out urgently.
A similar situation happened to me two years ago. The deceased had appointed the bank as executor and they did EVERYTHING including paying any outstanding bills and collecting all payments due. All I had to do was to register the death and sign for the final cheque.
yes Tambourine - never put in a safety deposit box. But Banks keep Wills in 'open safe custody' so that they can give them out to the Executor. If at any time the Will has been placed t in a Deposit Box, unbeknown to the Bank. It can be opened by a Manager and Authorised Signatory of the Bank who will remove the Will, relock the Box, in the presence of the Executor, and release the Will. No other contents of the box can be touched until probate is complete.
I should also add that in my day Banks always checked with a depositor that they had not included their Will in a locked box. I cannot imagine that things are any different now.
Tilly some thing I did not know until last month when my FIL died.
When the time comes go to your nearest Job Centre and ask for help.
The Job Centre also has a duty as the place to go for help when a relative dies. They will explain what to do and help you claim things like the bereavement grant, pensions and any help you are entitled to, they are very helpful , I did not know they did this til last month.
Thank you for all the responses and links to this thread, last night. I have looked at the Will and the executors are Nat West. Do I need to change this? Can I change it? He made his will in 1996 and so they have been 'looking after' it for twenty years.