Crosswords21 mins ago
Leaving Full Time Education - Fathers Benefits
17 Answers
Can someone help me?
I'm just about to leave full time education, and I have a full time job lined up, but I live with my dad, (my mum has offered I go live with her) but he hasn't had a job for years and is on job seekers allowance, he claims my Child Benefit and child tax credit - do I have to tell them I'm leaving full time education as I'm sure he's not going to as he's really lazy and doesn't want me to leave college as he said he's going to lose everything benefit wise.
He also claims housing benefit and council tax allowance as we are in a privately rented three bedroom property.
Should i tell the council as well? I don't want all my earnings to go towards paying all his rent and everything I don't think that's fair as he cant be bothered to get a job, so will they take into account my earnings, as the house etc is in his name?
Will it alter the amount he gets? Will he lose out and will I have to subsidise him? If I move back to my mums I would have to pay her rent as she and her partner both work and said I'd pay my way - as I don't want to work full time and pay everything, but what will happen to him benefit wise?
I don't really want to start out at 18 with all benefits and debts hanging over me.
Ps- I'm writing this on my mums account - any help greatly appreciated.
Can someone help me?
I'm just about to leave full time education, and I have a full time job lined up, but I live with my dad, (my mum has offered I go live with her) but he hasn't had a job for years and is on job seekers allowance, he claims my Child Benefit and child tax credit - do I have to tell them I'm leaving full time education as I'm sure he's not going to as he's really lazy and doesn't want me to leave college as he said he's going to lose everything benefit wise.
He also claims housing benefit and council tax allowance as we are in a privately rented three bedroom property.
Should i tell the council as well? I don't want all my earnings to go towards paying all his rent and everything I don't think that's fair as he cant be bothered to get a job, so will they take into account my earnings, as the house etc is in his name?
Will it alter the amount he gets? Will he lose out and will I have to subsidise him? If I move back to my mums I would have to pay her rent as she and her partner both work and said I'd pay my way - as I don't want to work full time and pay everything, but what will happen to him benefit wise?
I don't really want to start out at 18 with all benefits and debts hanging over me.
Ps- I'm writing this on my mums account - any help greatly appreciated.
Missed that. Thanks all. I had never seen the name come up and automaticall y did a profile search and leapt before look. Move on daughter or son of JBW, keep you pride and integrity intact. I have now looked at some of your mum's posts. She sounds lovely, but tell her I will be supporting Wales tomorrow anyway.
19:29 Tue 05th Jul 2016
This gives you an idea of how much you would have to pay towards the rent. Your dad should already be paying some rent as the two of you are under occupying the property
http:// england .shelte k/get_a dvice/h ousing_ benefit _and_lo cal_hou sing_al lowance /applyi ng_for_ housing _benefi t/housi ng_bene fit_whe n_other _adults _live_i n_your_ home
Your dad can work out how much he will lose here:
http:// www.ent itledto benefit s-calcu lator/ he is the claimant, he should inform the DWP and Council.
http:// he is the claimant, he should inform the DWP and Council.
Yes you need to tell all the benefit agencies that you are leaving education - well actually your father does - because they are not your accounts but your father's.
If he does not he will received an overpayment and from tax credits alone that could be quite large.
But as has been said - this is your father's issue not yours - he is the one claiming benefits.
If he does not he will received an overpayment and from tax credits alone that could be quite large.
But as has been said - this is your father's issue not yours - he is the one claiming benefits.
Missed that. Thanks all. I had never seen the name come up and automatically did a profile search and leapt before look.
Move on daughter or son of JBW, keep you pride and integrity intact. I have now looked at some of your mum's posts. She sounds lovely, but tell her I will be supporting Wales tomorrow anyway.
Move on daughter or son of JBW, keep you pride and integrity intact. I have now looked at some of your mum's posts. She sounds lovely, but tell her I will be supporting Wales tomorrow anyway.
Thank you all for your replies - I have tried to tell her that her best bet is to move in with me and my partner and we wouldn't charge that much rent (maybe) - LOL, and we would encourage her to save for that proverbial rainy day.. And as to TOGO - I too like the look of the Wales team with there enthusiasm and great team bonding but Ivfeel that my mind tells me Ronaldo will come good tomorrow and shatter Welsh hearts. Thank you all for helping my daughter. I love this site !