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Premium Bond Dates

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Tefler | 15:20 Mon 05th Aug 2024 | Personal Finance
4 Answers

It was a tradition in Derbyshire - probably elsewhere, too - when I was born for silver to be put in a baby's pram.  My parents collected the money and bought premium bonds with it.  However, when I look on the 'Transaction History' of my bonds, the date given for those bonds is 1/1/1957 - more than 5 years before I was born.  Does anybody now why? 



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I think a lot of old bonds have that date. Maybe for simplicity  when the records were computerised this was given as the default date for all older bonds .

I do.  When they were computerised they didn't have complete records and dated those bonds as 1957, the year Premium Bonds started.




Newmods answer wasn't there when I started my post, sorry

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Aha!  Thank you both for the answer.  That makes perfect sense.

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Premium Bond Dates

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