Redundancy in The AnswerBank: Law
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kat1 | 10:22 Tue 06th Aug 2024 | Law
9 Answers

Hi, My brother stayed on at work after his retirement age, is he entitled to redundancy money? Thanks.

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There's no reason he should be entitled to it.  He's not redundant.

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There's word his company could be closing down and he's worked there over 25 yrs. He cut his hours when he hit the retirement age.

Unless the company has a compilsory retirement age he can work until he's 70 or 80 or older if he wants, so long as he remains competent and capable; so on that basis he would be entitled to the same redundancy terms as everyone else- either under the company's own scheme or under statutory redundancy 


It would be based on his current hours as it's compensation relating to lost future earnings.

.There's no reason he should be entitled to it.  He's not redundant. - - -er there may be if he is made redundant

the sharpest zippiest one liner put down may NOT be the most helpful.

Are you entitled to redundancy pay after retirement age?

The upper and lower age limits were removed by the age discrimination law in October 2006, so all ages now qualify for redundancy pay, even if you are over 65 when made redundant. ( internet).

short answer - yes

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Thanks everyone.

redundancy money is payable only when the firm decides to let him go for business reasons. There is no entitlement beyond that.


Peter Pedant, //There's no reason he should be entitled to it.  He's not redundant. - - -er there may be if he is made redundant//


Errr ... yes .... but .... errr ... that wasn't the question.  



Naomi's reply was not incorrect based on the information in the original question, but that was understandable PP as at that point we hadn't been told the information given subsequently about the company possibly closing down.

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