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if i won �1million ...............

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cheater99 | 12:06 Fri 28th Sep 2007 | Personal Finance
3 Answers
if i won a million and only spent �300,00 what kind of income can i get from my investments....JUST DREAMING BUT......


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Is that 300 pounds and no pence or in your dreamy mood have you missed off a nought and then it might read three hundred thousand pounds.
Assuming this will leave you �700,000 and you get 4.5% on a savings account at 4.5% interest after tax, this would result in an annual income of �31,500. However, if you had any other income you would probably pay tax on this at the higher rate, so would get less. Don't give up the Day Job yet !!
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thanks wendy i'll rememder you when it happens

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if i won �1million ...............

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