There is a question on the bankruptcy form (can't recall actual wording) which relates to the expectation of receiving money or other assets. You should probably have answered this to indicate that you might benefit from the estate. Even if you didn't, it can still be treated as an "after acquired asset" by the OR. So the simple answer is that you will very likely not be able to keep it.
You seem unsure whether you will get anything. This depends on whether you are named in the will (or inherit under the intestacy laws if there isn't one), & on the size of estate. Also, it is possible for the provisions of a will to be changed within 2 years after the death by a Deed of Variation so your inheritance - if any - could be directed to someone else in this way. However, you would have to agree to this & it would then almost certainly be looked at by the OR as doing something to put an asset beyond the reach of your creditors - a bankruptcy offence.