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Do all banks do this?

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grumpy80 | 11:56 Thu 22nd May 2008 | Personal Finance
3 Answers
I receive money from my savings each week. They leave the first account on the wednesday and show in my account on the following tuesday, ready for withdrawal. However, because I asked for the money to be increased the exit from the 1st account was changed to friday and now I am going to have to wait until tomorrow, friday, before I can get any money out.

Has anybody else had this situation before?


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Have you actually asked the Bank why the funds are now leaving your savings account on a Friday and not a Wednesday as they were before? If not, ring them up and ask!
Just ask your bank to change the date back to Wednesdays.
Not related to the change in timings, but if funds are leaving the 1st account on the Wednesday, they should be cleared and available to withdraw from the 2nd account on the Friday.

If they are not clearing into the 2nd account until Tuesday, the bank is not actioning the transfer until Friday.

I would be asking them why they are delaying your payment instruction by two days each time.

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Do all banks do this?

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