I wanted to apply for a loan but no my record has been dodgy in the past so went to creditexpert.com (exsperian)first. I signed up and entered all my details but it appears to be wrong and is missing accounts that I know I have outstanding balances it also says not on the electoroll roll when I know I am. To prove it was wrong I signed up for the equifax website and this has all the correct details. However I paid 6.99 to get a score from the exsperian website and I now don't know if this is right or wrong. Can someone tell me how I can get a definitive report which will be used by creditors and what is the best way to obtain my score and make corrections if there are any mistakes.
There are 3 main credit reference agencies and not all banks / lenders etc use the same one, that is why some accounts will not show on Experian, they will report on another. To get a definitive report you need to get your file from all 3 agencies.