lala - don't really understand you question - why would you want to give the number of the patner of the person who is commiting the fraud? You have a few options available to you
depends on whether you think they are commiting fraud as well - if you don't then put other in previous box and write in details that you don't believe they are involved. However if DWP decide to investigate, then initially they will both be under suspicion. DWP,s 1st approach will not be by ringing anyone up.
Don't do it . . go for the tax dodgers they rob far more form this country and with less justification for doing so ! . . . .mind you it's usually harder to get a prosecution on tax fraud, but then again when was the system ever fair . . silly me
I think it should be reported. I know of someone working as a DRUG dealer earning 20k every 3 months while claiming JSA. I don't think that's fair knowing I'm on near enough min wage, working long hours sometimes upto 13 hours a day and can't afford luxuries, hell I can just scrape by each month and knowing someone is taking my hard earned money just doesnt cut it with me