News1 min ago
Ebay selling question.......
24 Answers
A question for all you experienced Ebay sellers out in AB land.
What is the best day and time to list items to get maximum interest in the items? Does this change for different types of items?
I really appreciate any answers from personal experiences of selling on Ebay.
What is the best day and time to list items to get maximum interest in the items? Does this change for different types of items?
I really appreciate any answers from personal experiences of selling on Ebay.
Sunday afternoon is definitely the best time to have your auction end. Whenever I list items I always time my auctions so they'll end at 5.00pm on a Sunday. As others have said, this is the time of the week when there are more likely to be a lot more potential bidders/ buyers on eBay.
21:49 Thu 08th Dec 2011
My rule of thumb is to always start the auction, be it five days or a week, so that it ends around midday on a Sunday. That is because any winning bidder is then able to make an appointment to pick up the item or make delivery arrangements with you that is not late at night or during most peoples working day.
Funnily enough, I remember reading something a few years ago about a guy who went home drunk and bidded and paid something like 50 quid for a rusty old screw (I think eBay have since tightened their rules on listing such items). Fortunately for the seller, when the bidder/buyer was sober he did say he would honour the purchase and still go through with the transaction but it had learnt him a lesson to steer well clear of eBay while he was drunk.
Sunday afternoon /evening, go for a 10 day listing so that you cover 2 weekends and opt for worldwide or at least european (some eastern european countries are best avoided) delivery so as to get a big potential market. Don't go for pickup only as you restrict your market to a tiny percentage. I have been watching classical guitars and I would say that 'pickup only' sales get about half the price of guitars available to Europe. Remember foreign buyers are prepared to pay more postage otherwise they wouldn't be looking. Do not worry about items being damaged as you can offer insurance (at buyer's expense) and if the buyer decides not to go for it then it is his/her risk. I have sold 2 expensive items (from UK)on ebay and both went to europeean buyers who easily outbid IK buyers. Hope this helps.