Removing ccj from record in The AnswerBank: Law
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Removing ccj from record

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Tups | 22:22 Tue 03rd Apr 2012 | Law
3 Answers
My son in law has just been refused a mortgage because, to his complete surprise, a CCJ was taken out on him in error 2 years ago. His hire car was stolen and, whilst the Insurance company paid the hire car firm the value of the car, they didn't pay the outstanding hire charges until much later, by which time a CCJ had been taken out on my son in law. Unfortunately, he knew nothing about it because he's moved house and letters weren't forwarded to him.

He has now managed to have 'satisfied' recorded against it but it will still be on his records for 6 years, during which time he can't get a mortgage! Has this happened to anyone else and if so, did you find a way round this dilemma?
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If the credit rating agency has now has noted the CCJ is satisfied and your SIL has no other black marks against him he should not find it impossible to obtain a mortgage, he should explain the circumstances to the potential mortgage provider, who may if there are no other difficulties provide a mortgage without the need for a guarantor.
He has the right to place an explanation of the circumstances on his file up to 200 words, they will probably want evidence but it may help when Companies are viewing details to make a decision on giving his credit.
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Thanks both for the replies. I have noted them

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Removing ccj from record

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