more online banking problems... in The AnswerBank: Business & Finance
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piggynose | 10:30 Tue 17th Apr 2012 | Business & Finance
6 Answers
Actually my online has been ok up until yesterday, when i tried to set up a monthly payment. I wanted my halifax current account to pay 40 quid to a HSBC account, but the acount number was about 20 digits long. So i made a pricey phonecall to halifax. They said i all i needed was the last 8 digits of that lengthy acc number, and i would be sorted. Well i´m not sorted.
any advice would be gratefully accepted.
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Have you been given the number off the debit card instead of the account number?
If the string is 22 characters long and begins with GB then that is the IBAN number of the HSBC account, if it begins with other than GB then it isn't in the UK. The last 8 digits are the account number with HSBC and the preceding 6 are the sort code. How are you not sorted?
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fitzer, it seems my bank wont or cant accept the company name i´ve entered. the company name or name of the account which is HSBC and a management company with my home address. I ´ve tried just HSBC only, and with the home address and with the home address only, but getting nowhere.
Maybe you need to speak to the intended recipient to ask them to clarify the details of the account
if its a monthly payment why not give your details to the HSBC and they can do a direct debit?
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factor 30 & you other nice people, its sorted at last!!
the person who set the account up, had given me the wrong sort code, she was 1 number out!!

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