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Benefits and all that

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emmie | 15:13 Wed 25th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Britain's benefit payouts are huge, this is not a bash at anyone. I had a letter yesterday about attending a benefit meeting, and the following stood out as to what you can claim whilst attending.
if you are away from home more than 5 hours and buy a meal you can claim £4.25, more than 10 hours and pay for two meals £9.30
12 hours and pay for three meals its £13.55, then if it's an overnight stop they pay for hotel £80 inner London, £80 Leeds, £65 Other
Loss of work earnings less than 4 hours £33.49, more than 4 hours it's £64.88
there is a lot more, but one last bit is
attendees from overseas?
they will pay expenses from port of entry into Britain.

then there are the raft of benefits that i saw in a local government office, the poster takes up half the wall. Is this why it's so expensive a bill, that you can be provided with and given much if you know how to use the system. even though the government of the day is bent on getting people back into work, the benefit payout system seems to be as big if not bigger than ever.


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You know what this country is like EM? thats why they all come here, its no wonder we are the laughing stock of the world.
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i am not knocking anyone, but confess that i was very surprised at many of the benefits on offer. Some are obviously helpful, insofar that if you are out of work, but a lot seems like an add on, no need.
Have you noticed WHO can suss the benifits out first Em?
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not sure, but i think i can guess, but one is not always right you know?
What is a benefits meeting exactly Em10?
Romania comes to mind.
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a tribunal, for eligibility for work....
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hundreds of thousands of people are getting letters, or have been over a long period of time. The idea being getting long term claimants back to work, regardless of their mental, physical status.
Surely you are called to your local office for back to work interviews, I know I was and was never offered my bus fare let alone anything else. This must be a new thing.
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mamy, it's on the letter, it's a local office, so doubt qualify, but all the same, that is what's on the letter. And looking at the poster of the available benefits, i had no idea there were so many.
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no idea why on the letter needed to be said again, sorry having an odd day.... or two
I think I understand where TWR is coming from.

There seems to be loads of people who demonstrate an astonishing ability to navigate their way around the labrynthine system of benefits to understand what they are 'entitled' to.

I've often thought that if they applied this analytical skill in the workplace, employers would be fighting to employ them!
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i understand that, what i was really getting at is that it's an amazingly expensive benefit system, and as i said i had no idea that you could if eligible claim for so much. I do know how difficult it is to navigate. I had to have help with one of the forms, over 60 pages long...
Does the letter or leaflet have a code at the top?
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it's a letter, and no, it has my NI number, ref, address etc.
is there any reason you ask, are you in need of help?
Question Author
front page, then 4 pages of helpful claims?
No thank you Em am fine - just wondered if was a generic letter that could be viewed as have not seen that one.

When they send for me will deal with it then, smile.
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it has something on the bottom of the letter, not sure if that is
what you mean. GAPS 804/97 ver.6630 apellant.
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i have waited a year for this meeting, good eh?
Before anyone jumps on this 'attendees from overseas?
they will pay expenses from port of entry into Britain' and suggests its romanians etc (oops too late I see)

Remember that there are thousands of 'Brits' living in sunnier climes claiming DLA etc and will also have to attend these interviews!!!

foreign nationals cannot claim DLA etc if they are not in this country only Brits can!!

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Benefits and all that

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