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Rant On Here

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gness | 10:56 Wed 09th May 2012 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Because there is no-one in the house to listen to me! A letter telling me I have overpaid for my gas and electricity so I have a large refund. why is my direct debit going up? Surely it should be lowered?
I have a NatWest credit card which I pay in full each month by direct debit. In March I received a late payment fee because they had taken the minimum payment by mistake. Sorted that, or so I thought. Today I receive another late payment fee because I cancelled my direct debit in March. No I didn`t!
Can anyone do things properly?
Card now in jig-saw pieces.
Rant over.


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why not ask your ask your power company ?
ask them why its gone up and tell them you want your usage re-assessing
A good rant AND.....repeat..NOW get on the phone and RANT !!!!!
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I will deggers. When I have calmed down from conversations with NW.
Last time I asked the power company why they had done this a young girl on the other end told me it was because some years have five quarters in them. I need more coffee before I start on that one.
see my above post..repeat again !!!!
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Breathing........breathing Murray and snacks lined up for the long session listening to music while being told my call is important to them I suppose.
if your not tied into a yearly contract ,threaten to change power companies ,that usually works .lol

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