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Euro tourist rates

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malagabob | 06:26 Thu 07th Jun 2012 | Business & Finance
7 Answers
The rate at the moment has been hovering around 1.20- 1.21 for a few weeks now. If Greece decides to leave the Eurozone can we expect the tourist rate to jump, or would it drop considerably.


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Μόνο Ο Πατέρας ξέρει.
Even translated to English that isn't a very helpful comment.
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Could you ask your father then?
If Greece left the EU (which I doubt) then Greece's currency, one presumes the drachma would be devalued by at least 50%and the euro would strengthen.

Great for going to Greece, but not so good going to other EU countries.
"Even translated to English that isn't a very helpful comment."

Maybe not, but it's pretty accurate.

As Squad says the Drachma (for want of a better name) would devalue by at least 50%, but the OP asked about Euro rates not Drachma rates. If Greece pulls out, the Euro might leap due to release from the drag, or it might plunge in expectation of others following. Nobody knows.
"Could you ask your father then?"
It's a colloquialism - "the father" means God.
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Thanks both. Rojash, I have heard the saying before I speak a little Greek.

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Euro tourist rates

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