I am about to return to work following maternity leave and have been informed that I have been overpaid by my employer by a considerable amount of money.Waht right have they got to ask for this money back, and where do I stand if I refuse to pay it?
I have a reasonable working knowledge of employment law, and as far as I'm aware, yes, they can demand it back. So unfair I know. Where does it leave you if you refuse to pay? Basically, in court. They should allow you to pay it back a bit at a time, deduct a percentage from your wages and so on. If you really want to try not to pay it back, take proper advice. Citizen's Advice are usually pretty good, or most solicitors will do an initial session for about �5 just to give you basic advice.
It's about as unfair as finding out that you've been underpaid for the last year and demanding that you be paid what you're owed.
You owe the money and sadly that's the end of the story.
I'm not really much of a shoulder to cry on am I?