Supermarkets have changed the way we shop and they aren't going to away any time soon. How many people would really swop the convenience of a large shop, with lots of parking that sells pretty well everything, for traipsing all over town, dragging their shopping behind them ?
If some people think that we can go back to some golden period of British High Street life, like the 1950's, where ladies went shopping everyday, using those wicker baskets, all waving cheerfully at the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker, they are sadly misguided. The reason that my Mother did that sort of thing was that she didn't work, and we didn't have a fridge, let alone a freezer.
Tesco didn't start the decimation of the High Street. What about all those small shops that Mr Selfridge put out of business when he opened his huge shop in the West End ?
I feel sorry for this chap but does he seriously think that Waitrose will close down, just to allow him to continue trading ?