wonder if someone can advise, please. I'm 62 this coming June 2014 and understand that I can claim for a winter fuel allowance w.e.f. 2015. Is that correct. I was born in mid-June 1952 .... is this information correct? Do I actually have to apply for it, or will I get notification automatically once I start drawing my pension .....
You don't have to do anything if you are entitled to it, they get in touch with you. Drawing your pension's not relevant, it's about age eligibility - I received my WFP while I was still working, before I activated my pension.
Interesting if you now have to claim for it.....I just received mine automatically.
Like Craft I only received half last year because the man I was living with got the other half. When I phoned to tell them I wasn't living with a man they asked if I was sure......By the time they had finished questioning me I was so confused...I wan't sure.....☻
Thanks folks, very interesting and informative. I can obviously apply for this for 2014-2015, but when do I actually have to apply for it - or will it come automatically once I start receiving my state pension?
And - once I've applied for it, will it come automatically each year after that?
How is it paid - by cheque? directly into a bank account?
sorry for further questions, just would like to be sure of the facts.
If 2 people in a property are eligible to receive the WFP they will receive half each. My OH used to receive a cheque to cash in a PO but this year had to supply bank account details as they want everyone to receive it in this way.
If you are female you become eligible for the WFA at the same time as you become eligible to receive your State pension (subject to the annual qualifying date). Once you are in receipt of your State pension your WFA will be credited automatically.
If you are male you become eligible for your WFA (and your bus pass) at the women's state pension age. Until the State pension ages are equalised this means you will be eligible for your WFA before you draw your State pension, so you have to apply for your WFA.
If another person in your household already receives the full WFA (£200) theirs will be cut in half when you qualify for yours. (No action is necessary - they know where we all live!)
To Gness and Craft.If you both either live alone or with someone who is not entitled then you should receive the £200.If you live in semi or flats or something similar then maybe one of your neighbours has the same address, eg 19 & 19A and they have been paid £100 because they qualified this year.I have heard of this happening in the past and you will need to contact them(Winter Fuel Payment Dept.) to rectify.
Hi Grumpy...all sorted thank you. I have always received £200. Last year I had a letter saying I would receive £100.
When I queried it I was told the other person in my house would receive the other £100....it was sorted by the time the money went into my account.
I knew there wasn't a man living here because the toilet seat was never left up....☺
many thanks to everyone, have answered a lot of my questions - OH had no idea that this benefit was available ... not that long now for me .... Thanks for all yor help today. Chox.