my dad died a few months ago, I am one of 6 siblings. We are all grown up and don't live at home. All but 1 of us are pretty close. The 6th one is 'golden boy' who can do no wrong in mothers eyes! Well he has done wrong! Mum and dad had a very rocky relationship. They had separate bank accounts and dad paid all the bills. To cut a long story short, whilst dad was dying in a nursing home my mother and golden boy started to filter money out of one of dads accounts. I had power of attorney for dads last few weeks of life and noticed daily amounts coming out of his account on one of his bank statements. Amounting to about £5000. I confronted my mum as with having POA I was liable for dads outgoings. She eventually confessed her and golden boy had opened a joint account and when taking money out of dads account the deposited it in their joint account. They opened the joint account in the same bank! So taking a daily £300 from the cash machine then going straight into branch and depositing it in their account! At present probate has not been granted as my brother has placed a caveat on the will. This has now been registered so is permanent whilst we all try and come to 'an agreement'. Is it possible that a solicitor could apply to have my mothers and brothers bank account frozen whilst this is investigated? I have a feeling a lot more than £5000 was taken. This was all from dads sole name bank account. Or is this something we should notify the police/bank direct?
Was it theft then? Did they have any authority to take the money out? You could report it to the fraud department at the bank and ask them whether to notify the police
They have no authority to take the money. Mum was not left any money in the will as she has her own. Dad left it to us siblings. I will drop the golden boy term. I will ring the fraud dept tomorrow. Thanks