That doesn't sound like a very good argument to me. There is no requirement for a company/group to have a qualified accountant to prepare the accounts etc. The accounts will have be audited by a qualified accountant but the in house accountant has to be competent, not necessarily qualified. in my previous role I was FD to a group. My successor was employed as Financial Controller (to justify a lower salary) but fulfilled much of the role I had played previously. If the previous "FD" wasn't actually a director, his successor doesn't need to be either. I suggest that you ask them to consider appointing you as Accountant, Financial Controller, whatever, on a probationary basis for (say) six months, even if it means they need to hire a temp to cover some of the work you were previously doing. If it doesn't work out, for whatever reason, their only cost is the difference between what they would have paid in salary and the temp cost. If it does work out, they have saved a lot and should increase your salary accordingly. Good luck!