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State Pension.

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furrypusscat | 09:04 Tue 07th Apr 2015 | Business & Finance
8 Answers
This is my first year of drawing my state pension (Sept 2014). Do I get a statement like a P60 from DWP giving information of what I have received covering the period from Sept to April 2015 similar to ones from private pensions. Thanks in advance.


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No, you will receive a letter around March advising you of your pension for the next 12 months and if you receive SSP (SERPS) it will show the breakdown of the final amount.
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Thank you both for the information. I have already received the letter stating my pension for this coming year.
The reason I asked my question was that when I started taking my state pension they coded my other works pension accordingly using K code initially. I queried this first by letter which I failed to get a reply followed by a phone call. My code eventually reflected an amount to be deducted from my works pension but when I calculated what I should pay, DWP/tax office had worked out my tax as if I had taken my state pension from April. I knew this was wrong hence my query. Having worked for some years with PAYE I knew that with my small pensions and my state pension from September, I would still be under the free pay for the tax year. I was told over the phone that this is how they work it out in other words I was overtaxed so they held my money. They said that if I was due a refund I would receive it automatically.
Not that I don't trust what they say but I will be one step ahead and I will do the necessary adding up of my income and add up the tax that I know I will have overpaid and reclaim using the relative form. I am sure I am correct that I will be under the tax free amount for 2014/2015.
Thx for putting this in
as it will soon be tax return time for all of us

I checked.....

No it doesnt look like it. Private pension will tell you what you have had
however I have checked with last years lax return and I had to calculate it from the bank receipts

DWP I have to say tend to be a bit poncey about telling you what is what.
I have written to them without any aknowledgement
and couldnt raise anyone - they could all be dead there

They will tell you if they are changing the rate tho
Oh you can expect to different tax codes as well

Mine if D0 for my privage pension which means that the robber barons lop off 40% with no personal allowance - clearly I must have other income

No, because no tax is deducted from your state pension, it is taken into account when taxing your occupational pension, who will provide the P60. If your state pension and occupational pension do not total £10,600 then you should pay no tax.
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Thank you all for your contributions. I had roughly worked my total amounts out up to the end of the tax year and I was borderline so I knew that any tax being deducted would be minimal so I also know I will be entitled to a refund. What I find disgusting is that they said they tax me as if I had started taking my state pension from April rather than September so I would not end up owing them tax yet they are earning interest on my overpaid tax. As for them saying I will automatically get a refund, exactly when will that happen. I will send in a tax refund form and see where we go from there. That was why I asked if you get some sort of statement. However, I am quite good at maths so it won't be too difficult to work it out.
Not sure whether this will help, but I do my tax return via Online Self-assessment, and the "form" which I fill in already gives an HMRC figure for State Pension and asks me to agree it or give my different figure. Their figure is always incorrect, usually only by a small amount so I provide a correct figure which I calculate from my bank statement. This is then used for my tax assessment.

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