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House Purchase

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waterbitch | 18:26 Sat 26th Sep 2015 | Business & Finance
8 Answers
looking into buying a house,understand we need to pay for a surveyor,also a conveyancer, do we also need to pay a solicitor on top of these,because we thought a conveyancer did the same as a solicitor.
any house buying advice gratefully received


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Strictly speaking, you don't need a solicitor if you've found a conveyancer, but when I last bought a house, the latter were considered a bit risky. The situation may well have improved since then (1988). Read this for explanation of Conveyancer role/qualification - it should hopefully reassure you.
01:32 Sun 27th Sep 2015
You need a surveyor and a solicitor, full stop.
A conveyancer is someone who carries things from one place to another.
Conveyancing in a legal sense, is property purchase that your solicitor specialises in.
Strictly speaking, you don't need a solicitor if you've found a conveyancer, but when I last bought a house, the latter were considered a bit risky. The situation may well have improved since then (1988).

Read this for explanation of Conveyancer role/qualification - it should hopefully reassure you.
If you use a conveyancer and they make a mess of things then you may have difficulty in suing .

A solicitor has professional indemnity insurance,and if this fails then you have recourse to the law society.

Mistakes in the purchasing of a house are not uncommon and can cost you a fortune.
hving just moved into our new hose, i cn tell you our legal conveyrcers were excellent; the other sides solicitors were crap
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many thanks guys

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