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Aren't You Glad The People Who Run The Answerbank Aren't This Insane?

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AB Editor | 10:24 Fri 02nd Oct 2015 | Technology
15 Answers
Peeple, a new app currently in testing, allows you to rate and review other people without their consent - as long as you have their phone number.

It's such a terrible idea I can't believe it's got this far!

"To add someone new to the site’s database, you must have their mobile phone number. Positive reviews post immediately; reviews of two stars or fewer are sent to the subject’s private inbox, from which point you have 48 hours to “work it out with the user”: “If you cannot turn a negative into a positive the comment will go live and then you can publicly defend yourself.”"

Imagine being a young person growing up in a world where people think it's acceptable to create an app for this purpose!



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Crazy imo.
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I wonder what kind of world they live in where no one said "yeah, this is kind of odd isn't it? Should we do this?"
institutionalised bullying :(
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"Let's face it, the more hits a website gets the more money can be made from advertising revenue."

Yeah, but in our case we couldn't exist at all without it. You wouldn't want me to forsake my morning caviar, and have to sit on something NOT covered in gold leaf would you?

"institutionalised bullying :( "

Absolutely. Positive reviews are published right away, and negative ones send a message for someone to defend themselves.

Obviously in one case you could say something nasty with 5 stars, in the other, why should you have to defend yourself to an ex partner who has turned nasty?

Completely stupid.
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That's why it's called a web.
What an awful idea.

If I catch anyone in this house using that app, I'll ban them from the internet.
This is a totally insane idea, it should not be allowed to happen.
Another reason I'm glad I don't have a mobile phone.

Nor do I have Facebook or Twitter.

And I never will!

I'll never get rid of AB.
Tuvok that's a bit like saying "because of joyriders, i will never have a car"
...a “positivity app for positive people”...

Appalling statement & a dreadful idea.

I'm glad my phone's just a phone.
Thanks for the tip off. I shall delete my Facebook account (which I never use anyway). Personally I can't see the point; if I wish to tell someone something on-line I email them.
I'll keep my Facebook but ditch anyone who purports to be a friend using the App.
there are only two people in this house - we'd probably spend all our time posting negative reviews of each other, but fortunately only one of us has a mobile.

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